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Advocacy in Florida

As of 2023, Florida has over 54,000 APRNs licensed in the state of Florida! That doesn't include our advanced practice provider colleagues that are physcian associates (PA). Advanced practice in the state of Florida is growing. This means legislation changes are necessary. At FCNM, we prioritize our involvement in the advocacy work surrounding advanced practice in the state of Florida and link arms with partnering organizations on a local, state, and national level. 

Image by Done By Alex

Our Legislative Team

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Kaleen Richards

Kaleen has practiced midwifery in Central Orlando since 2006. She owns and practices at her birth center Tree of Life Birth and GYN and had home birth deliveries for her 3 sons. Kaleen has been dedicated to political action since the start of her career and has been FCNM Legislative co-chair since 2017.




Mary Kay Miller

Mary Kay Miller has served the FCNM
as founding President and is now the Legislative Co-Chair.  In this
role she partners with key stakeholders to advocate for Florida
midwives and the people they serve.  Her legislative advocacy has been
instrumental to building partnerships and advancing the profession of
midwifery in Florida.


Jose Diaz

Coming soon!

Who are the Florida legislators?

Ever wondered who the people are behind the legislation? Who are the elected officials in your area? Head to the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) website now and find out! You can plug in your address and zip code which will give you a breakdown of your federal and state officials. 

State Level Advocacy

FCNM works closely with several state level partners in advocacy projects that impact advanced practice, the communities we servce in FL, and more. Together, we form a coalition to advance health care delivery in Florida and nationally. The Florida Coalition of Advance Practice Nurses is comprised of over 15 organizations working together across healthcare professions as we aim to provide safe, holistic, and accesible care to all our communities in Florida. 

Don't understand or know how to be involved in Florida? The Florida Coalition of Advance Practice Nurses has a great guide to get you started! 

National Level Advocacy

While our home base is Florida, as an affiliate of the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM), we partner with our parent organization to suppor tthe advocacy work being done on a national level. "ACNM supports the practice of midwives by promoting education, research, and policies that advance clinical excellence, expansion of a robust and diverse midwifery workforce, and equitable legislation, regulation, and institutional policies that establish midwifery as the standard of care for all communities" (ACNM, 2024). 

In 2023-2024 during the 118th Congress, ACNM will be focusing on reducing barriers to the midwifery model of care, increasing the midwifery workforce, and increasing strategic communications through advocacy on Capitol Hill and beyond. 

The Advocacy and Government Affairs department of ACNM partners with a robust volunteer structure made up of ACNM members in the Division of Advocacy & Affiliate Support (DAAS). With ACNM, the volunteer structure within DAAS in comprised of a national and state government affairs committe, a political action committee, a affiliate support committee, and a committee on the advancement of the certified midwife (CM) credential. 

Head over to ACNM now to learn more about the national level advocacy work! 


Want to get involved? 


Send us an email to let us know your are interested!

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